Community Action Partnership (CAP)
The Metropolitan Action Commission is partnering with families to achieve their goals of getting out of poverty through a Two-Generation/Whole Family approach. MAC’s initiative provides short-term and high-yield job trainings aimed to help Head Start/ Early Head Start parents move toward attaining living-wage jobs. This type of opportunity creates a pathway out of poverty for many families. The results are also correlated to child outcomes for those children whose parents participate in our 2 GEN initiatives.
Dr. Cynthia Croom, Executive Director of Metro Action, will present the results of MAC’s three-year 2Gen/Whole Family pilot, which includes participant and stakeholder experiences and outcomes as well as lessons learned by the agency. In addition to the presentation, three Head Start/Early Head Start parents from the last cohort, who are currently working in full-time internship positions, and leaders from two of the partnering agencies will be present to discuss their experience.
The Metropolitan Action Commission 2 Gen/Whole Family Initiative Evaluation Report-2019, which was conducted by a third-party evaluator, Thomas P. Miller and Associates, will be available to all registered participants at the conclusion.