Webinar: Classroom Cohort Day 1

April 29, 2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Webinar: Classroom Cohort Day 1

The ANA Western Region is pleased to present a Virtual Pre-Application Training designed to address your questions with the application process. The following course curriculum will include pre-recorded video to view at your own pace, multiple live webinars to listen in real-time and ask questions, and classroom sessions broken out by FOA cohorts that allow you to interact with others working on similar projects.

This course consists of three trainings:

Day 1 will cover an Introduction to ANA, the Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA), and an overview of the Scoring Criteria.
Day 2 will delve into the ANA Project Framework and key terminology. It will focus primarily on the Approach section of the Scoring Criteria.
Day 3 will continue where the previous day left off. It will also cover the Organizational Capacity and Budget sections of the Scoring Criteria.
To complete this course, you should plan to view each training Day (1, 2, and 3) at least once. However, you are welcome to register for as many sessions as you need to really understand the application process.

This course also consists of Cohort Classrooms for SEDS, P&M, EMI, and ERE. These classrooms will follow each training day, and will focus the discussion around the topics learned in each. Feel free to sign up for as many Cohort Classroom sessions as you would like to participate in.

Register here.

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