Webinar: Creating Change Together: Key Findings from the Annie E. Casey Family-Centered Community Change Initiative Evaluation Reports

July 29, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Webinar: Creating Change Together: Key Findings from the Annie E. Casey Family-Centered Community Change Initiative Evaluation Reports

In 2012, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched Family-Centered Community Change™ (FCCC), a multisite initiative to support local partnerships in three high-poverty neighborhoods as they develop a more integrated set of services — including housing assistance, high-quality education and job training — to help parents and children succeed together in what is known as a “two-generation approach. The goal of this project was to help these neighborhoods collaborate, connect, and learn by supporting community-based organizations on their journey to provide a robust set of integrated services to help families break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

In addition to learning more about the general support services needed for successful whole-family approaches, the FCCC initiative focused on learning more about the systemic barriers that negatively affect family success. All three collaboratives are based in communities with unique histories of housing inequity, uneven job markets, and racial segregation. To help them begin addressing these challenges, Racial and Ethnic Equity and Inclusion (REEI) trainings were incorporated within each initiative.

After seven years of support, the FCCC project released two evaluation reports highlighting key components of success and barriers for both service providers and the families that they work with. Join us on July 29th to hear from the FCCC team as they share key findings from their recently released project reports. Speakers will include members of the support team at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, members of the evaluation team from The Urban Institute, and a project member from the Columbus collaborative.

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