Webinar: Practicing Self-Care During COVID-19

May 22, 2020 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Webinar: Practicing Self-Care During COVID-19

Isolation has always been a factor that could impact an individual’s well-being and the COVID-19 Pandemic has definitely raised the stakes due to quarantine protocols popping up across the nation. This is particularly true for our young people who are dealing with creating a new reality of virtual learning and possibly remaining in unsafe home environments for extended periods of time. Indigenous communities are now faced with not only dealing with pre-existing levels of multiple types of trauma, but new experiences of trauma brought on by this new COVID-19 crisis. Although our indigenous communities are beautifully resilient, we must prepare our schools, teachers, residential staff, and school administrators for the unique challenges that will be presented through virtual learning exchanges and an eventual return to the classroom. This webinar is designed for teachers, residential staff, and school administrators and will focus on the principles of self-care/wellness, recognizing the impacts of stress, and learning various tools/strategies that are not only personally empowering, but can positively assist your students and fellow colleagues as well.

Register here.

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