Webinar: Providing Safety for Domestic Violence Survivors in the Time of a Pandemic

July 8, 2020 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Webinar: Providing Safety for Domestic Violence Survivors in the Time of a Pandemic

The hardships imposed by COVID-19 are numerous, impacting advocates as individuals and their ability to provide advocacy, resources and shelter to domestic violence survivors. Stay-At-Home orders, social distancing and the other necessary steps intended to offer protection from COVID-19, often escalate the danger to victims of domestic violence and create barriers to safety. This webinar explores strategies advocates have created to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, including issues of self-care, shortages of personal protective equipment, outreach, crisis response, shelter and law enforcement and justice systems responses. With no end date in sight for the pandemic, long-term strategies are key to this discussion. Hope and resilience grow stronger when we come together. Hope you will join us!

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