Webinar: Tillie Black Bear ‘Women Are Sacred’ Day: WoLakota—Honoring, Respecting, and Being a Good Relative

October 1, 2020 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Webinar: Tillie Black Bear ‘Women Are Sacred’ Day: WoLakota—Honoring, Respecting, and Being a Good Relative

This celebratory webinar is dedicated to Tillie Black Bear, Wa Wokiye Win (Woman Who Helps Everyone), for her contributions as a founding grandmother, Unci, of the movement to end violence against women in the United States and across Tribal Nations. Unci Tillie gave hope and healing to generations of survivors, advocates, and Native Americans by her dedication to organizing the Violence Against Women Movement. Unci Tillie organized at the Tribal, state, and national levels to change laws and policies at the root of these injustices and disparities. She inspired thousands from all walks of life to end domestic violence and sexual violence.

This webinar will highlight movement milestones to end domestic violence, including foundational legal reforms. Speakers will share how Tribal grassroots advocacy has increased survivors’ safety by strengthening Tribal sovereignty and how Indigenous teachings are the root of solutions to ending violence against Native women. In celebrating the legacy of Tillie Black Bear, we re-dedicate our commitment to ending domestic violence by recognizing the need for continued progress in increasing Tribal shelter options and grassroots advocacy to support domestic violence survivors.

We are honored to hear from Tillie Black Bear’s family and voices in the movement, including Tillie’s grandson, Taylor Brushbreaker, who will share the importance of treating women as sacred. As we launch Domestic Violence Awareness Month this October, join us on October 1st in celebrating Tillie Black Bear’s legacy with a national day to honor her life’s work to end domestic violence.

Facilitated by Rose M. “Lashawaat” Quilt, J.D. Director of Policy and Research, NIWRC.
Presenters: Cherrah Giles, Connie Black Bear-Brushbreaker, Taylor Brushbreaker, Rose Quilt, Carmen O’Leary, and Leanne Guy.

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