The NAHASDA & Tax Credit Compliance Professional (NTCCP) Training Course

July 16, 2019 – July 18, 2019 all-day
Chandler, AZ
The National American Indian Housing Council and Travois

The NAHASDA & Tax Credit Compliance Professional (NTCCP) training course and certification designates professional experience and expertise in continuing compliance with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act (NAHASDA).

This intensive three-day training course is designed to provide tribal housing professionals with an overview of the federal LIHTC program and explains how the program can complement other tribal housing initiatives. It provides both a general explanation and describes detailed procedures and requirements for continuing operational compliance.

Individuals who successfully pass the NTCCP exam at the end of the course and:

  • demonstrate a minimum of 2 years’ experience in NAHASDA-LIHTC-related projects;
  • complete Certification of Work Experience; and
  • execute the NTCCP Code of Professional Responsibility

will receive an NTCCP certification. The NTCCP certification is a unique national certification that acknowledges expertise in both NAHASDA and the LIHTC program.

The National American Indian Housing Council and Travois developed this program and offer trainings throughout the year through NAIHC’s Leadership Institute.

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